
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Last weekend I:

1. Failed to go camping.
2. Was terrorized by bats.
3. Saw two movies.
4. Drove through a forest fire.
5. Drove through the Hood to Coast.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Update: The Re-Return

I am now completely sure that I am making the right move. It has taken me more time to post my new address on the old blog than it did to create this one.

The Re-Return

I have learned this summer that internet activity really has to be streamlined when you live on a dial-up connection. I've become really good at hoarding all of my web searches and doing them all at once while also watching tv or reading a book. I've had to let go of a lot of the old sites I used to check in with regularly and I have cut back dramatically on visiting my favorite blogs. I have also stopped posting to my blog because I can never remember my login info when I find a faster connection somewhere else, and because I just can't put up with all of the extra time it takes for the bells and whistles to load when I am at home. I don't need bells and whistles if they keep me from blogging. In an attempt to make dial-up life easier I am switching to this site from my old site. I hope everyone catches on. Welcome!